quinta-feira, setembro 29, 2005

A los matones de Chávez no les gustan las fotos

Borraron el material de un fotógrafo que les retrató agrediendo a simpatizantes del presidente

Al advertir el flash de la cámara, los militares apuntaron con sus fusiles hacia la ventana del departamento de fotografía de la Cadena Carriles, donde son editados los diarios "El Mundo" y "Últimas Noticias". Los agresores ingresaron al edificio con la intención de llevarse detenido al fotógrafo. Pero ante la mediación del director fotográfico, Esso Álvarez, desistieron a cambio de ver las imágenes y borrarlas...

Así describe el IFEX lo acontecido el pasado 19 de septiembre en Venezuela, cuando miembros de seguridad del presidente Hugo Chávez forzaron al fotógrafo César Palacios, de la Cadena Carriles, a borrar las imágenes que les había tomado desde la ventana del edificio de la Cadena, próxima al lugar en que ellos se encontraban.

Y es que las fotografías, bastante comprometedoras, mostraban a los guardaespaldas de Chávez agrediendo a un grupo de simpatizantes del jefe de Estado que cruzó el cerco de seguridad para acercarse más al mandatario. Los hechos ocurrieron en Caracas durante la visita de Chávez al Panteón Nacional, lugar donde reposan los restos de los héroes de la independencia.

Ante semejantes hechos, el IFEX recomienda apelar al Ministerio de la Defensa solicitando "que se tomen medidas para evitar este tipo de actos y se establezcan condiciones plenas para el libre ejercicio del periodismo en aquellos lugares y actividades donde laboren las fuerzas de seguridad del Estado". [Elena de Regoyos / Periodista Digital]

terça-feira, setembro 13, 2005

In From the Cold and Able to Take the Heat

Robin Wright The Washington Post

Last month, Henry "Hank" Crumpton, a revered master of CIA covert operations, formally came in from the cold.

Crumpton gained almost mythical fame after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks -- always anonymously. He is the mysterious "Henry" in the Sept. 11 commission report, which notes he persistently pressed the CIA to do more in Afghanistan before Osama bin Laden's terrorist spectaculars. Two key proposals to track al Qaeda were turned down.

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Tapped to head the CIA's Afghan campaign after the attacks, Crumpton is "Hank" in Gary C. Schroen's "First In: An Insider's Account of How the CIA Spearheaded the War on Terror in Afghanistan" and Bob Woodward's "Bush at War." Both books recount how Crumpton crafted a strategy partnering elite intelligence and military officers in teams that worked with the Afghan opposition to oust the Taliban. The novel and initially controversial approach worked at limited cost in human life and materiel -- and avoided the kind of protracted U.S. ground war that the Soviet Union lost.

It also changed the way the United States fights terrorism.

"Hank was a tough, focused, brave operator and an excellent organizer. His work was invaluable," said Gen. Tommy Franks, now retired, who was in charge of Central Command during the Afghan war and the initial Iraq invasion.

Added John E. McLaughlin, former acting CIA director now at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, "He's a genuine American hero."

Now, after almost a quarter-century as a spy or station chief on at least four continents, Crumpton has emerged from undercover to take the job as State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism -- with the very public rank of ambassador.

The move surprised colleagues. Crumpton says he had wanted to be a spy since childhood, when he first wrote to the CIA. "And they responded -- on letterhead. In a small rural community in Georgia, to get a letter from the CIA, that was pretty cool," he reflected in his first interview since taking the job.

After joining the agency in 1981, Crumpton cut his teeth in Liberia during its disintegration into tribal clashes. "That was a good place to start, dealing with chaos and trying to understand the different political and tribal tensions," he said, noting he learned more from African insurgents than he did in his initial training at home. "They were people working with nothing," he said.

Most of his work since then is still secret, although Crumpton was deeply involved in probing the 1998 al Qaeda bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania as well as the 2000 boat bombing of the USS Cole off Yemen, colleagues say.

He has specialized in hot spots -- and looked for operatives with similar aptitudes. When he took over the Afghan operation, Crumpton posted a sign on his office door, the wording borrowed from ill-fated Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton: "Officers wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Long months of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful."

Georgia-born and soft-spoken, Crumpton can be deceiving in his demeanor, say his friends and peers. "There's a twinkle in his eyes, and he's an aw-shucks guy, but he's one tough intelligence officer," said James Pavitt, former deputy director of operations, the CIA's covert wing. "He was not afraid to look people in the eyes and say they were wrong. That was his great strength. And that's the kind of thing that started making things happen" after the Sept. 11 attacks.

Colleagues recall how Crumpton would crouch down like a squad leader between President Bush and Vice President Cheney with maps to explain what the CIA was doing in Afghanistan. "He wasn't intimidated," McLaughlin said.

After Afghanistan, Crumpton increasingly focused on how to redefine and streamline the way U.S. agencies work with one another, and how the United States integrates its security with the rest of the world. Colleagues say Crumpton is relentless -- and sometimes unyielding -- when he has an idea.

Jennifer E. Sims's new book was launched after a meeting with Crumpton -- at the International House of Pancakes. "He's incredibly direct," Sims said. "I got a call from him saying he'd like to meet at IHOP at 7 a.m. in Arlington. . . . I thought it was weird, but there I was in north Arlington. He was probably 10 minutes ahead of me. I slid into the booth and we had nice chitchat, and I said, 'So what's up?' "

"He said, 'We've got huge changes we need in intelligence, and what we need is a new partnership with the American people.' . . . He said, 'I need a vehicle,' then he stared at me. I thought, 'I'm getting recruited here,' " recalled Sims, who had been Crumpton's professor at Johns Hopkins when he took a break to get a master's degree. She had given him an A. Crumpton, she added, was the only student who had ever intimidated her.

That initial meeting launched more sessions, at assorted IHOPs, when Crumpton was still undercover, as the two drew up a list of people to contribute to a book. The result, released this month, is "Transforming U.S. Intelligence," edited by Sims and former CIA operations officer Burton Gerber. Crumpton wrote two chapters: one on intelligence and homeland security, the other offering tantalizing historic details on the Afghan operation.

Crumpton stresses how the winning strategy in Afghanistan included economic and social components because Afghans fought for tribal honor as well as geopolitical gain. The tribal leader who sided with the United States was rewarded with prizes that fell from the sky within 72 hours of the request -- in the form of airdrops of tents, medicine, clothes, Korans, food and toys.

"U.S. power is usually measured in terms of kinetic strength, but the power of empathy, honor, prestige, hope and material self-interest can complement raw strength and produce a more effective, more enduring victory," he wrote.

Crumpton also has urged relying on local forces, noting the advice of T.E. Lawrence -- Lawrence of Arabia -- to his British bosses: "Do not try to do too much with your own hands. Better the Arabs do it tolerably than that you do it perfectly. . . . Actually also, under the very odd conditions of Arabia, your practical work will not be as good as, perhaps, you think it is."

Crumpton, who has won four of the CIA's highest awards, was originally listed in the book as Henry Smith. Only after he took the State Department job did he allow the use of his real name -- leading the publisher to quickly insert little slips of paper with his real identity in the book proofs.

Colleagues joke that IHOP is a good cover for Crumpton, who is big on healthful eating and exercise -- and prefers tea to coffee. The biggest influences in his thinking, he said, are Sun Tzu, the Chinese military strategist born in 500 B.C. who wrote "The Art of War," and the Greek historian Thucydides, who chronicled the 5th-century B.C. war between Athens and Sparta.

Crumpton's approach to using intelligence as a tool in counterterrorism is premised on Sun Tzu's advice: "The expert in using the military subdues the enemy's forces without going to battle," he wrote.

For all the success of his plan in Afghanistan, the United States did not capture bin Laden during Crumpton's watch. It does not disturb Crumpton. "Alexander the Great never got King Darius of Persia. His own men gave him up. Pershing never got Pancho Villa," he reflected. "We will succeed. We have no doubt about that."

© 2005 The Washington Post Company

quinta-feira, setembro 01, 2005

Criminal Probe of Fired 'Miami Herald' Columnist May Finish Friday

By Joe Strupp

NEW YORK - Florida state prosecutors who have been investigating whether a fired Miami Herald columnist broke the law when he taped a phone conversation with a former city commissioner who later killed himself may wrap up their inquiry as soon as Friday.

Joseph Centorino, chief of the public corruption division of the Florida State Attorney's Office in Miami, has been leading the investigation into the actions of Jim DeFede, the former columnist who was fired on July 27. Centorino told E&P that the investigation would likely be finished "within a matter of a few days," possibly even as early as Friday.

"It will be either later this week or early next week," Centorino said, although he declined to comment further on his findings or say whether criminal charges would be filed against DeFede. "We can't comment on that until we reach a conclusion and make something public," he said. "We have done what we thought was appropriate."

Reached at his home on Wednesday, DeFede declined to speculate on the likely outcome. But he hinted that if investigators conclude that he broke no laws, he should be rehired. "I think it might provide some new perspectives we can all learn from," he said.

Tom Fielder, Herald editor, said Wednesday that any exoneration would be welcome news, but would not win DeFede his job back. "The decision [to fire him] was not predicated on any findings that there was grounds to prosecute," the editor said. "It was one of the considerations, but not the only one. It was also the ethics involved and our own policy about being above-board in our dealings."

When asked if there was anything that could prompt him to rehire DeFede, Fiedler said not at the moment. "I never want to say there is nothing because I don't know what I don't know," he said. "But I haven't learned anything since the decision was made that would cause me to change that decision."

DeFede lost his job just hours after taping an interview with Arthur Teele Jr. Soon after their conversation, Teele committed suicide in the Herald's lobby. DeFede told editors he had taped the conversation, at least part of which was reportedly off the record, without Teele's consent.

According to legal experts, Florida is one of only about a dozen states that require both parties to consent to the taping of a phone conversation. The state's statute says, "All parties must consent to the recording or the disclosure of the contents of any wire, oral or electronic communication in Florida. Recording or disclosing without the consent of all parties is a felony" unless it is a first offense, which is considered a misdemeanor.

The statute also states that "consent is not required for the taping" of someone "who does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy." That provision has caused some legal experts to question whether it could apply to a reporter interviewing a public official.

The investigation into DeFede is focused solely on whether his taping of Teele violated state law, Centorino said. "It was not massive, it was fairly limited," he said of the month-long probe. "There are not really that many people involved."

DeFede, who remains unemployed, said he allowed investigators to interview him on two occasions since the incident, including one interview on July 29 that lasted nearly three hours. He said he sought no immunity and did not decline to answer any questions.

Teele's suicide came just days after he had been arraigned on corruption charges and the same day a scathing report in the Miami New Times was published. The New Times article included lewd details of Teele's alleged interaction with male prostitutes.

New Times Editor Jim Mullin recently resigned from the paper, and was quoted as saying Teele's suicide was a "very sobering experience.”

Joe Strupp (jstrupp@editorandpublisher.com) is a senior editor at E&P.